The 2016 season of the MLL is finally here! With that comes all of the top custom gear in the game for the year. If you follow some pros on Instagram you'll be sure to notice a good amount of them have been posting their new gear for 2016 season. But, if you haven't been paying attention then don't worry, we've got you covered. Here are some of our favorite load outs from what we've seen so far.
Here we have STX sponsored MLL Pro Tucker Durkin rocking some super nice gear for his season with the Florida Launch. Durkin will be using the new STX Hammer 500 to dominate the defensive side of the field this season. For elbow pads Tucker will be using custom STX Cell IIIs, every defenseman's dream right there. The lucky number 51 will also be using two sweet looking sets of custom gloves from STX; Surgeon 500's and Cell IIIs.
In-between the pipes Ohio Machine goalie Scotty Rodgers is rocking a set of custom Carolina blue Warrior Evo goalie gloves. Not too surprising here with these, these are super comfortable gloves for complete control during saves and we have goalies picking them up all the time. Great choice, now go stuff some crease shots @Scottyrodg42!
Legendary face off midfielder Chris Mattes will be dominating the X with these Cell IIIs. These gloves are an easy choice for any face off midfielder, the STX Cell line has always been know as one of the most comfortable protection options in the game. With almost no movement restriction these are great for gaining a controlling edge over any opponent.
Brine getting in on the action with these custom King V gloves for the Charolette Hounds this MLL season. King gloves have always been some of the best looking gloves on the market. They have a great low profile look but tons of detail work that makes them stand out for any team color way. I cant say the boys down south will be disappointed with these ones.