The anticipation is almost over, it's the final countdown! A little over a year ago we were first introduced to
The Mirage. However, The sneak preview at last year's LaxCon was somewhat squandered due to snow storm... Well, Well, Well... about a week ago,
East Coast Dyes dropped their first of 5 teaser videos on all of their social media platforms. Here is a real brief rundown of what went down:
The first one was a bit vague, a series of shots of 'behind the scenes' stuff like machinery and warehouse space and at the end flashes the date 10.27.16.
Then a few days later the second video was released. This one showing some
ECD pros stinging corners and again 10.27.16 flashing across the screen at the end of the short video.
The third teaser was had the theme of securing the corners; they show an old beat up net being fastened to a goal frame. This too had 10.27.16 flash fade in and out of the final scene (One can assume that means they are gearing up for the product release and taking a whole lot of shots on goal with
The Mirage).
The 4th video is actually appears to be an extended version of their first teaser; it actually picks up where the 1st video left off. This video goes a little more behind the scenes into making the head, actually even showing the word "mirage" and a few shots of the head during production. This just confirms our speculation and assumptions. 10.27.16 will be the release date for
The Mirage!!!
The most recent video, the fifth, shows a lineup of black mirage heads. showing teasing images of the head itself, the face, the scoop design, the plethora of stringing holes... OH AND IT SAYS THERE IS AN EXCLUSIVE LIVE RELEASE... TONIGHT.. 8PM on the
ECD YouTube Channel.
East Coast Dyes continues to innovate and create new products. Their newest being
The Mirage;
ECD's first lacrosse head and its bound to be a beauty. Universal Lacrosse will indeed be stocked and ready for you to pick up your new
ECD Mirage lacrosse head! As a matter of fact, with your order, you'll receive an exclusive East Coast Dyes t-shirt
FOR FREE at your
local Universal Lacrosse location or shop online at
Universal Lacrosse. And be sure to check our social media posts to night for an exclusive
Universal Lacrosse Mirage giveaway!!!!