EPOCH launched their third up and coming head July 1st, the Hawk Prequel, and its been a huge hit every since. Coming to retailers as of July 15th, Universal Lacrosse will be one of those special ones who get their hands on it first. After releasing the sequel, they have decided to re-engineer this head to make it even better even though they still share some aesthetics. Proudly made in the USA, it also comes with a 1-year warranty.
Some details that make the Prequel different is that it has more of a conventional cured profile and Zone 3 pocket to create the most perfect mid-pocket possible with the deepest pocket allowed. Compared to the Sequel, which is designed for a mid-high pocket, the unmatched ball control and quick release is one-of-a-kind. For more one-handed dodgers, it's Lie of .740 adds to the quick release. Enhanced with a matte texture and gloss finish, it gives the head an ultimate beauty with unstoppable precision and accuracy. Along with its pocket, it also has a Level 3 FlexiQ for a more stiffer profile. This is a very aggressive style over the Sequel, which puts EPOCH on top of all of the other competitors.
It'll be interesting to see as more and more customers start to buy the prequel. Even though it is a new product and most people will hesitate to buy it, just take a moment to look at the Dragonfly lacrosse shafts and how great they preform. With them being both lightweight and durable, it sounds like EPOCH will know how create a great head to go with its great line of shafts. With major brands like Maverik and Warrior, EPOCH is making their name become apparent and players, specifically attackers, will see that more and more. No better way to break in this new stick for fall ball, with a little summer ball action right from Universal Lacrosse.