This has been an exciting week. Every time #ECM drops something we are on the edge of our seats... We had a few clues about this one...
MESH, MESH, MESH AND MORE MESH. That is how these two years have been and the question is, when can we get enough? If you ask me, NEVER! If the slightest improvement is possible with innovation in the mesh category I want to see it happen. #FORIT #BEAHERO
In september @eastcoastdyes sent me over a piece of Prototype Hero mesh and we tossed it in the new @Brinelacrosse King head sample that we had. My first thought was "why would east coast get away from wax mesh?" Then, after throwing a ball around the office I could feel how great the hold was and how light the mesh was. That night I took it out for a test drive. The results are clear. Its a lighter mesh (which I like) and the hold is great. I think high level players are going to love this product.
Four basic attributes make this mesh a game changer. It's still weather proof. It has lightweight "hyper weave" and responsive technology. What exactly that means at this point we are unsure but we are amped up to get some more info tomorrow night on youtube from east coast. What we do know is this mesh performs great. It is SUPER easy to string and is #gameready almost immediately. The Brine King that we string up with a mid pocket is throwing darts and event after 60 days of use it feels the same as it did the day out of the box. We have been teched up a bit by East Coast but none is going to tell it better then ECD GREG so we will tune in with y'all tomorrow night at 8pm on youtube for the run down.
We will have a TON available to ship on 5/21 so you can check out HERO MESH up close when you are ready. We will ALSO be onsite at the Final Four in Philly with ECDGREG and a truck load full of HERO mesh so if you want to feel it first. Come check us out Saturday Morning in X-Finity live! Parking lot across from Lincoln Financial Field in Philly. Stay tuned to @universallax and @eastcoastdyes instagram for details on the event.
8PM youtube DROP by @eastcoastdyes below.