What does Matter these days?
Back in 2012 Gait presented Universal Lacrosse with a prototype they were working on. The Torque was still flying off the shelves and we were looking for another good head from Gait. When we received the Matter the first thing we noticed was that it was unlike any of their previous models. Every time I get a new head in my hands I take a look at it and immediately compare it to another head that I like or dislike.
The Matter resembled a few heads that I have been successful with in the past so it passed the immediate “first glance” test. In the below picture you will notice that the plastic has a yellow tint and that is because it is not final version. I started stringing it up and unlike some of the Gait heads released before it the top string recessed into the scoop and allowed for any variation that I wanted to throw in there. The sidewall also had a more traditional hole pattern that allowed for a good MID pocket pattern. In other models I didn't have as much luck.
I was told that the prototype plastic might break if I go out and throw with it and I obviously did it anyway. After a few small pocket adjustments I was very excited about this head. It is extremely light and made for a feather weight stick when I threw it on a Gait Ice I had laying around.
At Universal Lacrosse we always try to make sure we have the heads that our customers are looking for and I was sure when this head hit the market it was going to be popular so we made sure we had it in stock. The upcoming season was FULL of great head launches including a Rabil head, a new Clutch and some great tech by STX. The Matter seemed to get lost in the shuffle and really never got as popular as we thought.
I think the Gait Matter is the most un appreciated head of its time and we were lucky enough to partner up with East Coast Dyes and Gait to bring to you #MATTERICE99.
This is a limited time deal that we are putting together a $200+ value for only $99. Check out this youtube video by @ecdGreg and decide for yourself if you think you should give it a try.

Gait Matter & Ice w/ ECM: ECD Steals & Deals