The latest head released by Warrior is the predecessor to the signature Paul Rabil Head. Here is my take on the new design.
Face Shape: The original Rabil head was knocked for being too pinched up towards the top of the head. The new face design allows for a bit more room for the ball so it does not get stuck if the head warps.
Stringing: This head has 19 sidewall holes so any stringer that can get creative. The degree of the offset allows for the pocket and ball to sit perfect in the middle where most offensive players like to keep it.
Sym-Rail Twist: The new sym-rail twist does make the head feel lighter but probably doesn't make much of a difference aside from looks. The head is aesthetically more sleek and smooth.
Scoop: The head has a flatter scoop to allow for better performance on groundballs. This original Rabil was a bit too pointed and was not the best for groundballs.
Overall: The Rabil 2 is a great new head for offensive performance that defiantly captured key improvements from its original version.