Another round of custom designed pockets at the U. We have partnered up with Throne Lacrosse owner Joe Williams to bring you three AMAZING Throne Fiber Pockets in three amazing heads. For those of you who know Joe or have heard of joe, you know he's the real deal when it comes to stringing up heads. For those of you who don't know Joe, he's the guy who just won The Lacrosse Network's Interlock Challenge against some of the best stringers in the game. So yeah, He's pretty good.
Anyways, back to the custom strung heads - So whats really cool is Joe has given us a pocket design with a head for the attackmen, mid-fielder, and defensemen. We just got these strung up heads in and they are A++, and we're going to be stringing these up for you all day long.
For attack we have the STX Stallion U 550 strung up with the Throne Fiber Cobalt Spectrum color way. This head looks amazing and plays even better. Joe designed a low pocket for this head to enable illusive one handed cradling with a quick release. Great for some up close dangles or some outside shots, either way your putting the ball in the net with some style using this set up. Check out the Stallion here.
For the Midfielder Joe went with a not so surprising choice, Maverik's Centrik U. The middies got hooked up with the fresh all white Throne Fiber System. A mid-high pocket was Joes set up of choice for insane hold to keep up with all the split dodges and checks you can throw at it. The mid-high pocket offers some great snap on the release for increased power and feel. Check out the Centrik here.
Defense got a beast of a set up with Warrior's Regulator head and the Throne Fiber Ruby Spectrum color way. The Regulator head is widely popular among defensemen for its superior strength and rigidity. Customized with a mid-low Fiber pocket this pocket is great for laser passes on the clear and eating up ground balls. Check out the Regulator here.
To sum things up we've got an awesome set up for three great heads. Joe did an amazing job designing these pockets for us and we cant be more excited to share them with you.