Even Pro Laxer Kyle Harrison Gets His Reps In EVERYDAY photo provided by usalacrosse.org and thelacrossenetwork.com
I know we’ve
mentioned this before but Wall Ball is still one of the BEST things you can do to evolve your game. It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, whether it’s preseason or championship weekend, hitting the wall is always something that can help you advance your skills to the next level.
There are plenty of Wall Ball routines out there that vary in types and styles of throwing but they all share one thing in common, repetition. Developing muscle memory and working in your stick to perfection are the key results you achieve from wall ball. It’s a simple daily task that has such high rewards.
A pretty standard routine that I always liked to use is as follows:
100 righty
100 lefty
50 split (catch with one hand and throw with the other)
50 quick stick righty
50 quick stick lefty
50 Canadian (throwing with your top hand in front of the opposite shoulder)
If you want to make it more challenging try not to drop the ball once and if you do start the set over until you catch every one. Also add some behind the backs to switch things up!
You’re only going to be holding yourself back if you don’t improve your skills. It could make all the difference once the season comes around. All coaches look for and respect the work that a player puts in when no one is around. The results will speak for themselves.
If you can’t find yourself a suitable wall consider getting a solid
Rebounder, they work just as good and are extremely easy to set up.

Like the popular recording artist Macklemore said, in his song ‘Ten Thousand Hours’, “The greats weren’t great because at birth they could paint. The greats were great because they paint a lot.” What he is saying here is that your success doesn’t come from now where. You have to put in the work to get where you want to be.