annnnnd... IT WAS HERO MESH updated 5/21 at 12:57
Over the past few days they guys over at East Coast Dyes have been releasing a couple of teaser pics and videos on their multiple Instagram accounts. They haven’t really been giving any information to the public about what is coming but they have been repeatedly mentioning a date: 5/21/15.
A lot of people have been speculating on what this new release might be and some might be getting a head of themselves. Ideas are being thrown around that they arte coming out with a ECD head or even something like padding, but I just don’t think those things are in the cards for East Coast Dyes anytime soon.
What ever this release is going to be its definitely going to be something awesome. Whenever the ECD boys drop something new its always a something amazing and well thought out.
Stay tuned to both East Coat Dyes (@eastcoastdyes) and Universal Lacrosse’s (@universallax) respective Instagram accounts for more info as it comes out!
yup it was HERO MESH (updated 5/21 at 12:57)